My name is Anna Nyström and I was born 1992 in Stockholm, Sweden. Some of you know me from my instagram – @annanystrom.
I’ve always had a passion for creating. Since an early age I delved into sewing clothes, arts and photography, which led me to study design and fashion. Unfortunately a health matter forced me to quit my design studies and put my dreams on hold. This led me to take extra good care of my body and mind, and I started studying nutrition and training. I became a licensed personal trainer and quickly found a clever way to combine my creative side with this new found passion - social media.
By sharing my journey I could inspire other people out there to live a healthier lifestyle, which in turn motived me to keep aiming higher.
With consistency, patience and hard work I steadily grew my account bigger throughout the years. Today I have an amazing community with millions of followers, running two companies and working with my social media platforms.
In 2018, my dream of creating and designing my own brand came to life. Workout clothes where elegance and fashion were also important factors, not only functionality. A unique material, soft colors with a minimalistic design. After two years of dedicated hard work, we launched Ryvelle®.